Please click on Past Editions for photos and contest winners from this year's parade
Countdown to the Unforgettable Lebanon 4th of July Parade!4th of July Countdown
2025 4th of july
Parade Information
Dear friends and neighbors:
Lots of things have changed over the past 77 years. In 1947, a bottle of Coke cost a nickel, bananas were $.11 a pound, gas cost $.23 a gallon, a first-class postage stamp cost $.03, and a loaf of bread was $.13.
Against this background, at a time when the world was still healing from World War II, the little Borough of Lebanon, New Jersey, decided to organize a celebration of an enduring America – one that had weathered a devasting conflict and come out stronger and even more committed to democracy and freedom than ever. So, in 1947, the first Lebanon Boro 4th of July Parade stepped off down Main Street. This year, in tribute to the spirit of that first parade, the 77th Annual Lebanon Boro 4th of July Parade will step off with the theme “An Enduring Tradition”, honoring its standing as the longest running 4th of July Parade in Hunterdon County.

This free and fun event brings families and friends together for an iconic small-town celebration, alive with civic pride and patriotic displays, and followed by an afternoon of music, family-friendly games, and complimentary food and drink at Holjes-Shepard Memorial Park. (Start planning now to deck out your home or business in full patriotic regalia for the big day. Our “Best Decorated” judges will be looking for displays that best highlight this year’s “An Enduring Tradition” theme.)
As always, one of the most remarkable things about this annual event is that it is funded entirely by the people and businesses in the Borough of Lebanon. Your generous contributions – of your ideas, your time, your dollars – are what makes this event possible each year.

9:30AM The Children’s Parade steps off on Sutton Place
10:00AM The Main Parade steps off on the east end of Main Street

Roads into Lebanon Borough will close at 8:30 am on July 4th.
The Children’s Parade (for little ones 10 and under) will step off at 9:30 am on Cherry Street (registration begins at 8:00 am).
The Main Parade steps off at 10:00 am, following its traditional route west on Main Street, turning onto Myrtle Avenue, then again onto Brunswick Ave, ending at Holjes-Sheppard Memorial Park.
The annual Picnic begins immediately after the Parade ends.
To make this milestone year’s mug stand out in your mug collection, our 77th Anniversary mugs will be etched, not printed, with the distinctive 77th Anniversary logo. These dishwasher-safe, permanent mementos will be on sale at the Picnic for $15.00 per mug, with unlimited refills. As always, the Picnic will feature free hot dogs, games for everyone, and lots of fun and music.
Lebanon Borough residents are encouraged to deck out their homes and businesses in full patriotic décor – paying tribute this year to the Parade’s 77th Anniversary – to catch the eye of our “Best Decorated” judges. (Plan your display now; judging will take place at 7:00 am on the morning of July 4th.) We also invite you to get involved: join our Celebration Committee; volunteer at the Parade; march in the Parade; help out before, during, or after the picnic; etc.
Donate Online Here
Did you know that our parade is funded completely by donations? The Lebanon Fourth of July Celebration Committee thanks you in advance for your support to this year’s parade. We hope you and your family have as much fun participating in the return of the parade in 2025 as we do hosting it each year.
The Lebanon Fourth of July Parade and Picnic are supported entirely through contributions. We need your donations to keep the tradition alive. Mail checks made payable to LEBANON CELEBRATION COMMITTEE to P.O. Box 158, Lebanon, NJ 08833.
Get your dance troop, your band, or your social or service organization together and strut your stuff in the line of march. Shine up your vintage farm equipment and show it off. If you want to participate in the parade, we want to hear from you.
Donate via credit card at our secure website:
Volunteer this Year!
Tasks for all talents! We need volunteers to help hand out programs and sell buttons, banners, and 50/50 tickets during the parade and the Picnic.
We need more hands to help set-up the Park and the Food Tent for the Picnic – and help with Picnic activities and clean-up. This is our chance to show off our town, so get involved to make the day a huge success.
Please fill out the form below to apply,
Lebanon Fourth of July Celebration Committee.
lebanon parade
What happens if it rains?
The parade will go on rain or shine! Obviously, safety is the most important concern, so be careful and use your best judgement with regards to thunder and lightning or other serious weather conditions.
Where can I find general parade information?
You can find basic information here.
What is the parade theme for 2025?
This year, in tribute to the spirit of that first parade, the 77th Annual Lebanon Boro 4th of July Parade will step off with the theme “An Enduring Tradition”, honoring its standing as the longest running 4th of July Parade in Hunterdon County.
Do the Parade have a Facebook Page?
Yes! Please click here to access it.
Where can I submit my photos of the 4th of July Parade?
Please send your pictures or videos here.
Special Thanks To Our
The Lebanon Borough 4th of July Celebration Committee would like to offer a special Thank You to the following individuals, businesses & organizations that have helped to make the parade such a success over the years.
- Bishop's Supermarket
- Cherryville Repeaters Association
- Clinton Shoprite
- South Branch Emergency Services
- All Season Flowers, Gift and Greenhouse
- Hunterdon County Harmonizers
- Hunterdon County C.E.R.T.
- Father Michael Saharic
- Lebanon Reformed Church
- Mary Ann Bauer, P.C.
- New Jersey State Police
- Lebanon Borough Board of Ed
- Lebanon Borough Volunteer Fire Dept.
- Above All Party Rentals
- Fox & Hound Tavern
- Lebanon Boro Recreation
- Jerry Haag
- Stephen Saharic - National Anthem
- Lebanon Cheese Company, Inc.
- Round Valley United Methodist Church
- Wes Kerr/Ed Kito - Sound System
- Superior Towing
- Active Disposal Services
- George Kopp Photography
- Sunken Silo Brew Works